Frequently Asked Question
How to cancel my order?
Last Updated 6 years ago
Your cancellation request should reach us in working days from Monday to Friday between 10 to 5pm with your order number.
If you paid by Credit/Debit Card/Net Banking and your Order Status is "Payment Under Verification" under 24hr of payment you can request for cancellation thereafter if Order Status is "Processing" we charge 10% restocking fee. If item is shipped or Order Status is "Processed", we can not cancel the order.
If you paid by NEFT/IMPS/Bank Draft/Cheque, and your Order Status is "Pending" under 3 days you can request for cancellation thereafter if Order Status is "Processing" we charge 10% restocking fee. If item is shipped or Order Status is "Processed", we can not cancel the order. Refund back is only done by Bank Draft for payment by Bank Draft and Cheques and we will deduct Rs.65 towards postal and Draft making charges.
If you paid by Credit/Debit Card/Net Banking and your Order Status is "Payment Under Verification" under 24hr of payment you can request for cancellation thereafter if Order Status is "Processing" we charge 10% restocking fee. If item is shipped or Order Status is "Processed", we can not cancel the order.
If you paid by NEFT/IMPS/Bank Draft/Cheque, and your Order Status is "Pending" under 3 days you can request for cancellation thereafter if Order Status is "Processing" we charge 10% restocking fee. If item is shipped or Order Status is "Processed", we can not cancel the order. Refund back is only done by Bank Draft for payment by Bank Draft and Cheques and we will deduct Rs.65 towards postal and Draft making charges.