Frequently Asked Question

Can I use my father’s or friend’s Credit/Debit Card as I don’t have one?
Last Updated 6 years ago

Yes you may, but you need to take prior approval from us and the original owner of the card, by informing all the facts about your case or your order will be hold up.

In the interest of our Customers, we have a policy to see the following for possible Credit Card frauds in online transactions.

1] Billing Name is different than Account Name.
2] Billing Address is different than Shipping Address.
3] Caution notice issued by PayPal on any particular transaction.

We may ask you to prove the genuinity of your Credit Card or relation with the Card Holder or the approval of the Card Holder for transaction on Make My Hobby.

Note: It is always advisable to use Bank Draft facility or Bank Transfer facility if you are from India, if you do not have Credit Card or Debit Card.

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